Mia W. Jones was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland.  A loving wife and mother of three children, she is a survivor of domestic abuse and an advocate for women and men traumatized by or going through domestic violence. She is working hard on her three-year plan to secure a better future for her and the wonderful family that she has now. She is sharing her story in hopes to raise awareness about domestic violence. It is her desire that this will empower other women and men to seek help from being abused. She is asking that you share and let others know there is help in their communities if they need assistance. Please feel free to email her if you need help at walkinginpurpose228@gmail.com  She will be sure to point you in the right direction and help if she can. Also, she is available for workshops and seminars.

Entangled in Domesticated Love is available on eBook and paperback at Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Apple Store and Google Store. Or purchase here


Entangled in Domesticated Love

What happens when the game goes from two loving people to a nightmare of emotional and physical abuse? Entangled in Domesticated Love follows a twelve year journey of love, betrayal and abuse and how one woman fought back to reclaim her self-esteem and life.
